
Ban Meat at UC Berkeley

UC Berkeley: Stop Funding the Next Pandemic

DxE activists studying at UC Berkeley investigated a major supplier of the university and found piglets being smashed beneath their mothers, bloody infections, and rampant disease. Now they're calling on UC Berkeley to stop funding animal cruelty and prevent the next pandemic. Sign to support!

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UC Berkeley's dining halls brag about sourcing from ethical and sustainable farms, but a group of students just published footage from inside one of the university's biggest meat suppliers showing horrific animal cruelty and zoonotic disease. UC Berkeley might be funding the next pandemic.

The investigation of Seaboard Foods found mother pigs housed in gestation crates barely bigger than their bodies. Their pregnant bellies were protruding through the bars.

A mother pig covered in cuts lies in a gestation crate inside Seaboard Foods.

Piglets were being born prematurely in these gestation crates. They were getting stuck in the cracks of the floorboards and in many cases were crushed to death beneath the weight of their 800 pound mothers. 

A pile of dead newborn piglets inside UC Berkeley supplier Seaboard Foods.

Fecal and necropsy tests came back confirming Salmonella, Porcine Circovirus, and Streptococcus Porcinus. Streptococcus Porcinus is a zoonotic disease that causes miscarriages, stillbirths, septicemia, pneumonia, and meningitis in humans.

DxE investigator Zoe Rosenberg collects a fecal sample from inside Seaboard Foods.

This is a danger to the animals and to the students who are eating them. Until we address animal agriculture, no one is safe. That's why we're calling on UC Berkeley, the top public university in the nation, to lead the way to a brighter future for its students and the world by ending the sale of "meat" at campus dining halls.


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If you are a UC Berkeley student, alumnus, faculty, or staff member, your support is especially important. Please reach out by sending an email to: