
Breaking news and publications from Direct Action Everywhere.

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Activist Sentenced to Jail for Rescuing Sick Animals from Factory Farms

November 30, 2023

The University of Denver’s Animal Activist Legal Defense Project is working on the appeal. Attorney Chris Carraway said, “I often hear courts describe trials as a search for the truth. Mr. Hsiung’s trial was anything but. The press had limited access; trial participants were unconstitutionally gagged from the beginning; and the court bent over backwards to prevent the defense from detailing the chronic animal cruelty found which informed the intent behind the actions."

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Activist Sentenced to Jail for Rescuing Sick Animals from Factory Farms

November 30, 2023

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3 Arrested during Santa Rosa Protest after Sentencing for Animal Welfare Activist

November 30, 2023

Press Democrat

Shortly after court recessed, animal welfare activist Zoe Rosenberg, who said she was going to drop printed evidence of animal cruelty at Reichardt Duck Farm at the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office, asked others to march with her to the department a few blocks away. As they approached the parking lot, Sheriff’s Office vehicles approached and deputies arrested Rosenberg and two other demonstrators, Rocky Chau and Conrad de Jesus.

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3 Arrested during Santa Rosa Protest after Sentencing for Animal Welfare Activist

November 30, 2023

Press Democrat

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Direct Action Everywhere Co-founder Wayne Hsiung Sentenced in Conspiracy Case Involving Petaluma Poultry Farms

November 30, 2023

North Bay Business Journal

A dozen of Wayne Hsiung’s supporters watched silently — some of whom fought back tears — as Sonoma County Superior Court Judge Laura Passaglia sentenced Hsiung to 90 days in county jail, followed by two years of probation.

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Direct Action Everywhere Co-founder Wayne Hsiung Sentenced in Conspiracy Case Involving Petaluma Poultry Farms

November 30, 2023

North Bay Business Journal

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Opinion: Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Must Change Ways

November 30, 2023

Marin Independent Journal

Hearing and seeing animal agriculture firsthand, I know that animals deserve better. I will never forget seeing a cow running after a transport truck leaving a dairy. They were running parallel to the road just to be stopped by a fence, and forced to watch their family being taken away. This single event one day at one farm was so profound I can’t imagine how much suffering happens daily at factory farms everywhere.

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Opinion: Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Must Change Ways

November 30, 2023

Marin Independent Journal

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Animal Activist Sentenced to Three Months in Jail for Open Rescue

November 30, 2023

Plant-Based News

From his jail cell, where he was held for four weeks awaiting sentencing, Hsiung published blog posts reaffirming his belief in the power of non-violent direct action. He also reported successes in educating fellow inmates on veganism and animal rights.

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Animal Activist Sentenced to Three Months in Jail for Open Rescue

November 30, 2023

Plant-Based News

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Conviction of Leading Animal Activist Could Ignite a Populist Revolution

November 23, 2023


The conviction of Hsuing could be a flashpoint in this “next frontier.” Because it shows just how broken the legal system is, his story could help advance the development of a grassroots movement to liberate nonhuman animals. It also presents us with a choice: Live in a system where the government ignores animal cruelty laws—or save the animals those laws were meant to protect.

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Conviction of Leading Animal Activist Could Ignite a Populist Revolution

November 23, 2023


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The Turkey Pardon Is a Perfect Emblem of Our Very Dumb Politics

November 22, 2023

The New Republic

Virtually all turkeys raised in the United States come from crowded concentrated feeding operations—CAFOs, or factory farms. Investigations by animal rights groups like Direct Action Everywhere, or DxE, have shown that the same farms that provide the well-groomed, handsome birds for White House events raise the rest of their animals in hellish conditions.

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The Turkey Pardon Is a Perfect Emblem of Our Very Dumb Politics

November 22, 2023

The New Republic

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Hero for Rescuing a Dog, But Facing Prison for Rescuing Birds

November 22, 2023

Common Dreams

I hate seeing Wayne go through this. I’m tired of the legal maneuverings by those with power to maintain a world that hurts the most vulnerable.

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Hero for Rescuing a Dog, But Facing Prison for Rescuing Birds

November 22, 2023

Common Dreams

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An Animal Activist Was Found Guilty After Rescuing Farmed Animals – Here’s Why He Did It

November 16, 2023

Plant-Based News

“Open rescue is one of the most powerful tools that we have to challenge animal cruelty," [said animal rescuer Zoe Rosenberg]. “When you look into a factory farm and you see thousands of animals suffering, it’s so easy to desensitize yourself and get lost in the numbers and the immeasurable suffering. But when you identify an individual and connect with them, it’s life changing. Every single one of those animals in those facilities is an individual.”

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An Animal Activist Was Found Guilty After Rescuing Farmed Animals – Here’s Why He Did It

November 16, 2023

Plant-Based News

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Our Top Press Hits


Right to Rescue: Jury Acquits Animal Rights Activists Who Saved Piglets at Smithfield Factory Farm

October 11, 2022

Democracy Now!

In a major victory for animal rights, a jury in Utah has acquitted two animal rights activists who each faced up to five and a half years of prison time for rescuing two sick piglets from Smithfield’s Circle Four Farms, one of the world’s largest pig farms.

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Activists Acquitted in Trial for Taking Piglets from Smithfield Foods

October 8, 2022

The Intercept

“Whenever I think about the condition Lily was in and the desperation we felt when we saw her there, struggling and so small and so sick, a little baby in such a horrible, awful, brutal place,” Hsiung said in a video posted to Instagram, “we just wanted to get her out.” Animal rescue “is not the worst part of us as human beings. It’s the best of us.”

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Animal Rights Activists Are Acquitted in Smithfield Piglet Case

October 8, 2022

New York Times

Many animal welfare advocates viewed the trial as a display of corporate power, and a test of whether the meat industry can legally prevent the public from seeing the sometimes unsavory aspects of modern mass food production.

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Trial Begins for Animal Activists Accused of Stealing Two Piglets from Utah Factory Farm

October 3, 2022

Fox 13 Salt Lake City

“They did a nonviolent action, and they saved the lives of two piglets who would have been discarded by the industry anyway.”

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Standing Trial: Should we care about animal liberation?

September 19, 2022

Harper's Magazine

Most readers care about humans, not pigs. What gets us going is a compelling main character facing many years in prison, not several million pigs spending a lifetime in circumstances that make prison look comparatively relaxing.

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Protests Are Wrong Until They’re Right

April 28, 2022

New York Magazine

Protests are often unpopular, but as this article shows, in the end, they tend to be right.

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Amid Bird Flu Outbreak, Meat Producers Seek “Ventilation Shutdown” for Mass Chicken Killing

April 14, 2022

The Intercept

DxE documented video footage of the depopulation at Rembrandt Enterprises, demonstrating the brutal reality of VSD and the true toll of our broken "food" system.

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My first job was slitting the throats of chickens at a slaughterhouse. It changed me forever

March 22, 2022

San Francisco Chronicle

Compelling testimony by a former slaughterhouse worker who is now a member of DxE's core organizing team.

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Why the Anti-Factory Farming Movement Needs Direct Action

March 14, 2022

Current Affairs

DxE activists are showing that anyone can, if they give themselves permission, start creating the world they want to live in.

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DxE's Blog


Believing Is the First Step to Animal Liberation

September 10, 2024

If people do not believe that they can change a situation, they will never act to do so. If we do not believe that animal liberation is possible and that we can make it happen, it never will. In fact, animal agriculture and other unjust systems rely on our hopelessness and cynicism.

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Ten Things You Need to Know About the Company Trying to Put Me in Prison

April 29, 2024

My findings show that “No Antibiotics Ever” just means that the chickens are still experiencing severe infection but they aren’t receiving the medication they desperately need. In one barn at a Petaluma Poultry factory farm in Santa Rosa, more than 10% of the chickens died by the time they reached 5 weeks. That is more than double the accepted industry mortality rate.

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Newcomer's Perspective

December 26, 2023

The Sonoma County Court's actions didn't stop me but, instead, spurred me to further action just as it did for many others.

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I’m Facing over 20 Years in Prison for Rescuing Animals, But I Am Not Afraid

December 2, 2023

Whether I lose my freedom for days, weeks, months, or even years, it is worth it to give even one or two animals a chance to experience freedom for the first time in their entire lives.

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A Baby Chicken Taught Me to Never Give Up Hope. His Name is Vincent.

October 1, 2023

To everyone who doesn’t believe in a better world, I understand. I feel your pain and I know how hard it is to keep going in a world as painful as ours. But, just a glimmer of hope saved Vincent’s life and it might just save the rest of the animals, too. So please, don’t give up.

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This Disabled Duck is at the Center of a Felony Case. His Name is Bruce.

August 30, 2023

If you saw a little duckling on his back, paddling his legs and struggling to get back up, what would you do? Would you keep walking? Or would you help him? 

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Exposing Petaluma Poultry

July 1, 2023

Since 2018, DxE investigators have documented routine violations of California's animal cruelty laws at Petaluma Poultry factory farms, but the authorities refuse to intervene -- so they are taking action themselves to rescue the animals.

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A Letter to the Editor Re: "Churchill Downs to Cease Racing as It Investigates Deaths of Horses"

June 5, 2023

Your story on the shutdown of the Kentucky Derby racetrack failed to provide important context: the growing worldwide movement to abolish horseracing.

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Free Speech under Attack in Rural America

May 23, 2023

During my time in Utah, I found people willing to have open and honest discussions. Why, then, are high-ranking members of the Church and the police attempting to stop that from happening? Could it be that egregious abuses documented by DxE at Smithfield were getting too close to those in power? When open dialogue threatens a power structure, it’s time to scrutinize that power structure.

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Our Press Releases


Activists Delivered 7,000 Paper Hearts to Farmer John Slaughterhouse for the 7,000 Pigs Killed Each Day

February 14, 2021

The activists said they are drawing attention to Smithfield's heartless attitude

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Case Dismissed Against Iowa Man Who Exposed Cruel Mass Pig Killing at Major Pork Supplier

January 28, 2021

Grundy County Attorney Cites Iowa Select Farms’ refusal to testify as cause for dismissal

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Gavin Newsom Impersonator Satirically Chastises Animal Activists at CA Capitol Rally

January 11, 2021

Group that hoaxed Fox News on live TV last month also behind today’s demonstration

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Case Dismissed Against Fairfield Woman Who Blocked Trucks to Prevent Cruel Mass Pig Killing

January 10, 2021

Grundy County Attorney Cites Iowa Select Farms’ refusal to testify as cause for dismissal

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Animal Activist on Fox News Poses as Smithfield Foods CEO to Alert Public of Pig Farming’s Threat to Public Health

December 22, 2020

Imposter cites animal agriculture’s role in creating and spreading pandemics, and harms to the environment and animals

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Activists Lay 333 Flowers at Farmer John Slaughterhouse, One for Each Infected Worker

December 10, 2020

Activists with Direct Action Everywhere are calling for a statewide moratorium on factory farms and slaughterhouses, citing animal and worker abuse

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Animal Activists Expose Site of COVID-19 Oregon Mink Outbreak, Defying State Officials' Secrecy

December 7, 2020

Citing mink-to-human transmission in Denmark, advocates say the public deserves transparency about the nature of the threat

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Thanksgiving Miracle: Utah Farmer Releases Turkeys to Whistleblowers Facing Felonies for Investigations of Factory Farms

November 22, 2020

While Smithfield demands prison for Utah activists, this turkey farmer is helping them rescue more animals

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Following OSHA Fines, Activists Protest Factory Farms and Slaughterhouses Throughout California

November 17, 2020

Simultaneous protests at slaughterhouses and factory farms throughout CA demand moratorium prohibiting new factory farm and slaughterhouse construction

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