
Breaking news and publications from Direct Action Everywhere.

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Berkeley to serve vegan meals at jails, public buildings

July 29, 2021

The Hill

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Berkeley to serve vegan meals at jails, public buildings

July 29, 2021

The Hill

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‘Immensely powerful’: Activists laud city decision to commit to plant-based food

July 27, 2021

The Daily Californian

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‘Immensely powerful’: Activists laud city decision to commit to plant-based food

July 27, 2021

The Daily Californian

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Berkeley Becomes First U.S. City to Commit to Exclusively Plant-Based Food Purchases

July 26, 2021

Berkeley City Council passed a resolution late Tuesday to switch 50% of city expenditures on animal-based foods to plant-based by 2024, and commit to a long-term goal of 100% plant-based.

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Berkeley Becomes First U.S. City to Commit to Exclusively Plant-Based Food Purchases

July 26, 2021

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Activists Held Rally at City Hall After 18 Hour Sit-In at Berkeley Mayor’s House

July 20, 2021

Activists want to keep the pressure on Mayor Arreguin’s climate commitments

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Activists Held Rally at City Hall After 18 Hour Sit-In at Berkeley Mayor’s House

July 20, 2021

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Utah seeks to block animal rights activists from justifying factory farm break-in

June 28, 2021

Fox 13 Salt Lake City

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Utah seeks to block animal rights activists from justifying factory farm break-in

June 28, 2021

Fox 13 Salt Lake City

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Activists Doused in Fake Blood, Locked in Cages Demand Neiman Marcus Drop Fur

June 26, 2021

Chanting activists entered the store holding placards while others rallied outside

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Activists Doused in Fake Blood, Locked in Cages Demand Neiman Marcus Drop Fur

June 26, 2021

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Covid Exposed the Brutal Reality of America’s Meat. And It’s Worse Than You Think.

June 22, 2021

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Covid Exposed the Brutal Reality of America’s Meat. And It’s Worse Than You Think.

June 22, 2021

Bloomberg columnist Adam Minter recently penned an article titled “Covid Almost Caused a Meat Crisis,” sounding the alarm about potential meat shortages. But the meat industry is itself a perpetual crisis, and Minter’s diagnosis of both problem and solution get it exactly wrong.

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Direct Action Everywhere holds rally outside Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguín’s house

June 22, 2021

The Daily Californian

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Direct Action Everywhere holds rally outside Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguín’s house

June 22, 2021

The Daily Californian

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When Critical Stops Meaning Critical: The Expansion of Tennessee’s Critical Infrastructure Statute

June 15, 2021

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When Critical Stops Meaning Critical: The Expansion of Tennessee’s Critical Infrastructure Statute

June 15, 2021

The Tennessee legislature has passed a bill that would include farms in the definition of critical infrastructure. But at what cost?

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Our Top Press Hits


Animal Rights Activists Rescued Two Piglets From Slaughter. They Wanted to Get Caught.

February 23, 2022

The New Republic

DxE investigators are pressing for a trial they hope will go down as a pivotal moment in the history of the animal rights movement.

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Prosecutors Silence Evidence of Cruel Factory Farm Practices in Animal Rights Cases

January 30, 2022

The Intercept

The government wants to keep juries from seeing gruesome evidence of animals in distress, demonstrating yet again the massive power corporations wield in our current system.

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An animal rights activist was in court on criminal charges. Why was the case suddenly dismissed?

January 23, 2022

The Guardian

DxE's investigation of ventilation shutdown is probably the most important investigation in more than a decade, said Justin Marceau, an animal law scholar and professor at the University of Denver.

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Compassion Is Not a Crime: Animal Rights Activist Avoids Jail After Conviction for Baby Goat Rescue

December 8, 2021

Democracy Now!

In conversation with host Amy Goodman, DxE investigator Wayne Hsiung asks “Are the living creatures of this Earth property, or are they living creatures that deserve some form of dignity and respect?”

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A US activist took a sick goat from a meat farm – now he faces seven years in jail

December 6, 2021

The Guardian

This case is about smashing the myth of benevolent small-scale farms, which may talk of free-range and happy animals, but still ultimately treat animals as property and slaughter them for profit.

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Animal rights activists opposed to ‘factory farms’ protest outside Gavin Newsom’s home

September 29, 2021

The Sacramento Bee

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Chickens Severely Mistreated At “Humane” California Slaughterhouse, New Video Alleges

September 29, 2021

The Intercept

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Berkeley to serve vegan meals at jails, public buildings

July 29, 2021

The Hill

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Industry foe charged under Iowa's new food trespassing law

April 8, 2021

ABC News

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DxE's Blog


Believing Is the First Step to Animal Liberation

September 10, 2024

If people do not believe that they can change a situation, they will never act to do so. If we do not believe that animal liberation is possible and that we can make it happen, it never will. In fact, animal agriculture and other unjust systems rely on our hopelessness and cynicism.

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Ten Things You Need to Know About the Company Trying to Put Me in Prison

April 29, 2024

My findings show that “No Antibiotics Ever” just means that the chickens are still experiencing severe infection but they aren’t receiving the medication they desperately need. In one barn at a Petaluma Poultry factory farm in Santa Rosa, more than 10% of the chickens died by the time they reached 5 weeks. That is more than double the accepted industry mortality rate.

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Newcomer's Perspective

December 26, 2023

The Sonoma County Court's actions didn't stop me but, instead, spurred me to further action just as it did for many others.

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I’m Facing over 20 Years in Prison for Rescuing Animals, But I Am Not Afraid

December 2, 2023

Whether I lose my freedom for days, weeks, months, or even years, it is worth it to give even one or two animals a chance to experience freedom for the first time in their entire lives.

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A Baby Chicken Taught Me to Never Give Up Hope. His Name is Vincent.

October 1, 2023

To everyone who doesn’t believe in a better world, I understand. I feel your pain and I know how hard it is to keep going in a world as painful as ours. But, just a glimmer of hope saved Vincent’s life and it might just save the rest of the animals, too. So please, don’t give up.

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This Disabled Duck is at the Center of a Felony Case. His Name is Bruce.

August 30, 2023

If you saw a little duckling on his back, paddling his legs and struggling to get back up, what would you do? Would you keep walking? Or would you help him? 

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Exposing Petaluma Poultry

July 1, 2023

Since 2018, DxE investigators have documented routine violations of California's animal cruelty laws at Petaluma Poultry factory farms, but the authorities refuse to intervene -- so they are taking action themselves to rescue the animals.

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A Letter to the Editor Re: "Churchill Downs to Cease Racing as It Investigates Deaths of Horses"

June 5, 2023

Your story on the shutdown of the Kentucky Derby racetrack failed to provide important context: the growing worldwide movement to abolish horseracing.

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Free Speech under Attack in Rural America

May 23, 2023

During my time in Utah, I found people willing to have open and honest discussions. Why, then, are high-ranking members of the Church and the police attempting to stop that from happening? Could it be that egregious abuses documented by DxE at Smithfield were getting too close to those in power? When open dialogue threatens a power structure, it’s time to scrutinize that power structure.

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Our Press Releases


VIDEO: Chickens Survive “Roasting Alive” Mass Killing at Billionaire NBA Tycoon’s Factory Farm

April 11, 2022

Criminal complaints were submitted to Iowa Attorney General’s Office and county attorney, alleging criminal livestock neglect

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VIDEO: UCB Students Present Satirical “Factory Farm Defender” Award to Chancellor Carol Christ

April 10, 2022

UCB administrators claim the world’s largest chicken producer doesn’t use factory farming

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VIDEO: Animal Activist Superglues Herself to Table at California State Capitol, Disrupts Assembly Meeting

April 5, 2022

Bill for moratorium against new factory farms was changed into bill calling for a study of the industry’s impacts

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100+ Attend State Capitol Rally Supporting Factory Farm Moratorium Bill

March 8, 2022

The coalition event featured attendees representing Direct Action Everywhere (DxE), Sunrise Bay Area and the CA Democratic Environmental Caucus.

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Utah judge rules to gag evidence of cruelty, disease at Smithfield Foods in trial of prominent animal rights activist

February 23, 2022

Two defendants face years in prison after removing sick piglets from the largest factory pig farm in the U.S.

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California Assemblymember Introduces Moratorium on New Factory Farms and Slaughterhouses

February 20, 2022

California Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian (D-Van Nuys) introduced a bill Friday to enact a moratorium on new factory farms and slaughterhouses statewide. Assemblymember Alex Lee (D-San José) is a joint author on the bill, AB 2764.

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BREAK UP WITH TYSON: UCB Students’ Valentines Day Protest Calls Out University Sourcing from Factory Farms

February 13, 2022

UC Berkeley administrators claim the world’s largest chicken producer doesn’t use factory farming

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After Mass Pig Killing Case Dismissal, State Capitol Protesters Decry “Ag-Gag” Laws

January 21, 2022

Demonstrators allege widespread criminal animal abuse by Iowa Select Farms

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Iowa “Ag-Gag” Prosecution Dismissed Against Man Who Exposed Mass Pig Killings

January 18, 2022

Prosecution moved to dismiss case in advance of hearing on expanding media access to trial

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