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Proposed City Ordinance Will Regulate Animal Mistreatment at Local Horsetrack

July 18, 2023

Daily Californian

“The closure of GGF signifies that the public is becoming aware of the inherent cruelty of animal-exploiting industries,” [DxE press coordinator Alison] Morikawa said. “Residents and elected officials alike are recognizing the violence of horse racing and are moved to act for a more ethical future.”

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Proposed City Ordinance Will Regulate Animal Mistreatment at Local Horsetrack

July 18, 2023

Daily Californian

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Golden Gate Fields Horse Racing Track to Shut Down Following Years of Protests

July 17, 2023

“This closure is a win for horses and for vulnerable humans who are taken advantage of by the gambling industry,” says Rocky Chau, a DxE activist who was arrested during a protest on the GGF track in March 2021.

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Golden Gate Fields Horse Racing Track to Shut Down Following Years of Protests

July 17, 2023

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Golden Gate Fields Racetrack to Close This Fall

July 16, 2023

NBC Bay Area

"This is a huge victory for the animal rights movement," said DxE organizer Cassie King. "Across the country and around the world, we're seeing rising public pressure and protests against the cruelty of the horseracing industry."

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Golden Gate Fields Racetrack to Close This Fall

July 16, 2023

NBC Bay Area

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Activists Show Disturbing Slaughterhouse Gas Chamber Footage outside American Veterinary Medical Association Convention

July 16, 2023

EIN Newsdesk

Veterinarians say the more than 16 hours of grizzly footage shows the most common method used to kill pigs in the United States is not humane.... They are asking the AVMA to take a leadership role in addressing what they call some of the cruelest practices in animal agriculture.

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Activists Show Disturbing Slaughterhouse Gas Chamber Footage outside American Veterinary Medical Association Convention

July 16, 2023

EIN Newsdesk

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Animal Rights Activists Call for Action from County DA

July 6, 2023

Northern California Public Media

"I think the right-to-rescue campaign captures something that most people already know and feel in their hearts, that someone who is suffering, who's in need of help, deserves to be helped, deserves to be rescued from the situation where they're being harmed," [defendant Cassie] King said. "And whether that's a dog in a hot car or a human who's injured on the side of the road, or a chicken who's collapsed and starving to death on the floor of a factory farm."

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Animal Rights Activists Call for Action from County DA

July 6, 2023

Northern California Public Media

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The Problem with "Humanely Raised" Poultry and Eggs

July 3, 2023


Investigations of alternative poultry and egg farms typically reveal practices and attitudes that do not meet consumer expectations—expectations that are cultivated not only by the companies and retailers they do business with but also by animal welfarists who employ “humane” farming language that glosses over the facts with nebulous assertions and omissions... More often than not, the difference between “humane” farms and factory farms is moot.

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The Problem with "Humanely Raised" Poultry and Eggs

July 3, 2023


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Exposing Petaluma Poultry

July 1, 2023

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Exposing Petaluma Poultry

July 1, 2023

Since 2018, DxE investigators have documented routine violations of California's animal cruelty laws at Petaluma Poultry factory farms, but the authorities refuse to intervene -- so they are taking action themselves to rescue the animals.

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As A Vet, I Would Protect All Animals from Harm – But the Law Won’t Let Me

June 26, 2023

Plant-Based News

Animals, of any size or species, are not objects. You cannot put a price tag on their lives. They are individuals who feel fear, sadness, joy, and other emotions just like we do, and they deserve respect.

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As A Vet, I Would Protect All Animals from Harm – But the Law Won’t Let Me

June 26, 2023

Plant-Based News

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Letter to the Editor: Animal Cruelty Ignored

June 24, 2023

Press Democrat

"Not much has changed over the two administrations of Sonoma County district attorneys. They are continuing to retain charges against activists who originally exposed Petaluma Poultry for its animal cruelty."

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Letter to the Editor: Animal Cruelty Ignored

June 24, 2023

Press Democrat

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Our Top Press Hits


FBI raids animal shelters, searching for piglets rescued from factory farm, activists say

September 14, 2017

The Washington Post

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Animal Welfare Groups Have a New Tool: Virtual Reality

July 6, 2017

The New York Times

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‘Her head has been torn off’: Activists’ film alleges abuse at Costco-linked cage-free egg farm

October 20, 2016

The Washington Post

While the hens are not in cages, the video shows them crowded together, covered in feces and blood, struggling to breathe and attacking and even eating one other.

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Animal Rights Group’s Video of Hens Raises Questions, but Not Just for Farms

January 8, 2015

The New York Times

An animal rights group released on Thursday a disturbing video of laying hens at a farm in Northern California that supplies eggs to Whole Foods and Organic Valley, among other retailers and distributors.

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DxE's Blog


Believing Is the First Step to Animal Liberation

September 10, 2024

If people do not believe that they can change a situation, they will never act to do so. If we do not believe that animal liberation is possible and that we can make it happen, it never will. In fact, animal agriculture and other unjust systems rely on our hopelessness and cynicism.

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Ten Things You Need to Know About the Company Trying to Put Me in Prison

April 29, 2024

My findings show that “No Antibiotics Ever” just means that the chickens are still experiencing severe infection but they aren’t receiving the medication they desperately need. In one barn at a Petaluma Poultry factory farm in Santa Rosa, more than 10% of the chickens died by the time they reached 5 weeks. That is more than double the accepted industry mortality rate.

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Newcomer's Perspective

December 26, 2023

The Sonoma County Court's actions didn't stop me but, instead, spurred me to further action just as it did for many others.

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I’m Facing over 20 Years in Prison for Rescuing Animals, But I Am Not Afraid

December 2, 2023

Whether I lose my freedom for days, weeks, months, or even years, it is worth it to give even one or two animals a chance to experience freedom for the first time in their entire lives.

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A Baby Chicken Taught Me to Never Give Up Hope. His Name is Vincent.

October 1, 2023

To everyone who doesn’t believe in a better world, I understand. I feel your pain and I know how hard it is to keep going in a world as painful as ours. But, just a glimmer of hope saved Vincent’s life and it might just save the rest of the animals, too. So please, don’t give up.

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This Disabled Duck is at the Center of a Felony Case. His Name is Bruce.

August 30, 2023

If you saw a little duckling on his back, paddling his legs and struggling to get back up, what would you do? Would you keep walking? Or would you help him? 

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Exposing Petaluma Poultry

July 1, 2023

Since 2018, DxE investigators have documented routine violations of California's animal cruelty laws at Petaluma Poultry factory farms, but the authorities refuse to intervene -- so they are taking action themselves to rescue the animals.

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A Letter to the Editor Re: "Churchill Downs to Cease Racing as It Investigates Deaths of Horses"

June 5, 2023

Your story on the shutdown of the Kentucky Derby racetrack failed to provide important context: the growing worldwide movement to abolish horseracing.

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Free Speech under Attack in Rural America

May 23, 2023

During my time in Utah, I found people willing to have open and honest discussions. Why, then, are high-ranking members of the Church and the police attempting to stop that from happening? Could it be that egregious abuses documented by DxE at Smithfield were getting too close to those in power? When open dialogue threatens a power structure, it’s time to scrutinize that power structure.

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Our Press Releases


State Capitol Demonstration Saturday Demands Factory Farm Moratorium

May 28, 2021

3-day occupation at Governor Newsom’s home culminated with march to State Capitol building for “No More Factory Farms” rally

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BREAKING: Animal Rights Activist Disrupts Preakness Stakes Trophy Presentation

May 14, 2021

Group currently being sued by billionaire track owners calls for end to horse racing, citing animal cruelty

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UC Berkeley’s Sproul Plaza Fountain Dyed Blood Red After Chancellor and Director of Dining Defend Sourcing from Tyson Foods

May 9, 2021

University administrators falsely claim agribusiness giant isn’t engaged in factory farming, according to students

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Following UC Berkeley Dining Facility Lockdown, Students Secure Meeting with Chancellor

April 9, 2021

Citing animal cruelty exposés, activists demand the university stop supplying from factory farms

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Land O’ Lakes Dairy Exposé Reveals Freezing Calves, Widespread Violations of Company Policy and the Law

April 5, 2021

Workers seen dragging newborn calves by their ears

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24-Hour Demonstration Underway at Gavin Newsom’s House, Featuring Giant Newsom Head

March 24, 2021

Activists are calling for Newsom to enact a statewide moratorium on factory farms and slaughterhouses

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Activists in Coalinga with 50-foot Banner and Giant Gavin Newsom Head Protest Harris Ranch

March 5, 2021

Following exposé with workers cutting the throats of fully-conscious cows, demonstrators demand moratorium banning new factory farms and slaughterhouses

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BREAKING: Chained Activists Occupy California Horse Racing Track, Stopping Thursday’s Races

March 3, 2021

4 Bay Area residents locked down at Berkeley’s Golden Gate Fields horse racing facility, using heavily-weighted PVC pipes in a direct action maneuver called a “sleeping dragon.”

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Fully Conscious Cows’ Throats Slit in First-Ever Footage Inside Costco-Supplying Slaughterhouse

March 2, 2021

Graphic hidden-camera footage DxE investigators obtained inside Harris Beef in Selma, CA reveals cows systematically restrained and killed with a slice to the throat while fully conscious.

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