"DxE’s investigations have been among the most important in the history of animal protection."
- Justin Marceau, professor of law
Some of the most important actions in the animal rights movement have been rescues on the frontline of animal abuse. Our open rescues are seen by millions and force the issue of animal rights into the public consciousness. DxE activists are now going to court for rescues at some of the largest factory farms in the world.
You can learn more about these groundbreaking court cases by following the #RightToRescue campaign site.
DxE Montreal pulled off a daring open rescue at Marvid slaughterhouse, where some activists stopped a slaughter truck while others ran to the back of the truck, climbed to the top, and pulled a chicken out to carry her to safety. They named her Avril.
While driving through Iowa, a group of DxE activists found a tiny piglet, Charlie, still alive, slowly freezing to death in a “dead pile" outside of a farm. They rushed him to the vet and did everything they could to save his life. He was able to feel warmth and love for three days until he passed away from his injuries. Charlie’s story was shared in The Guardian’s ongoing coverage of US agricultural practices that are illegal elsewhere and in an article on direct action in Current Affairs.
During the 2021 Animal Liberation Conference, activists locked down at the largest chicken slaughterhouse in California, and while they were stopping traffic, another team of activists pulled birds from a stalled slaughter truck. A second rescue team carried birds out from inside the slaughterhouse, and a third team went to a nearby Foster Farms factory farm to save more lives. In total, 14 individuals were rescued and went to sanctuary where they got to experience fresh air and grass for the first time.
UC Berkeley student Zoe Rosenberg led an investigation into one of the university's main suppliers and the largest "meat" producer in the world, Tyson Foods. Inside the company's farms, investigators found thousands of babies struggling to walk and dead birds covered in flies. They rescued two chickens and brought them to sanctuary.
These chickens, pigs and calf got a new chance at life because people rescued them from exploitation in California, Arizona, Wisconsin and Northern Ireland.
DxE investigators in Wisconsin documented the abuse of newborn calves at this Land O' Lakes dairy farm. Employees took newborn calves from their mothers and pulled the babies by their limbs and ears to force them into hutches. The activists rescued a calf they named Destiny and they hope her story will inspire people to turn against the cruel dairy industry.
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