
Wayne Hsiung

Published on:

October 9, 2013

Two Faces from the Movement

Direct Action Everywhere had a busy week. We were a part of the coalition that organized the March for Elephants, in which thousands of activists rallied in cities all over the world. And we organized a solidarity demonstration for grassroots Russian activists mobilizing to protest the slaughter of cats and dogs on the streets. Pictures from our protests can be found here (March) and here (Russian consulate) -- as well as a video of the disruption we did at the latter here.

But we also wanted to recognize two remarkable people and activists who helped to make these demonstrations possible.

Rosemary (aka Neytiri) – activist, poet, and scientist – was simply a force for animals in putting together the March for Elephants. She skillfully navigated conflicting interests to help us find a unified message at the March. And, importantly for DxE, she allowed and even encouraged a broader discussion and message of animal liberation, at a march that had many people who had no prior experience or knowledge with the issue.

Rosemary also gave a heart wrenching speech at the march, which you should definitely check out below.



The second activist I want to recognize is Yura. Yura is one of hardest working activists I’ve had the pleasure to meet. And he played a vital role in expanding the scope of the Earthlings March to Russia and Eastern Europe. As part of the October 4 Day of Action in Moscow, Yura and a fellow activist chained themselves to the Russian Duma (the equivalent to Congress), with a banner saying “Stop killing!” while shouting “Slaughterers - get out from the Duma!” while other activists marched on the streets. 

They were roughed up and thrown in jail, as a result of their action, which was reported on in the Russian media. Check out a video, and some images from their protest, below. Also, look out for an interview we’ll be doing with Yura, about the state of the Russian animal rights movement! 


Rosemary and Yura are two very different people, with very different backgrounds, who live on different sides of the planet. But they -- and we -- are united in passion for animals. And it is people like Rosemary and Yura who will finally bring our movement down the path to liberation.