
Cassie King

Published on:

October 26, 2018

2018.10.19 DxE Weekly News

Week of 10/12/18-10/19/18

Julie Waldroup

  DxE investigators, William Burkhardt and Lea Dubost, documented this dumpster of dead piglets at a farm in France.
DxE investigators, William Burkhardt and Lea Dubost, documented this dumpster of dead piglets at a farm in France.

Sorry, vegans. If you don’t eat honey, avocados might be off-limits, too.

Honeybees pollinate many of our favorite fruits and vegetables, but in much of the United States, there are not enough bees to do this job naturally or efficiently. So farmers employ a practice called migratory beekeeping: They truck hives into their fields, where the bees live for short periods to pollinate the crops during the plants’ most fertile window. PETA’s statement on migratory beekeeping: “Going vegan is about making kind choices that bring about positive change. Average shoppers can’t avoid produce that involved migratory beekeeping any more than they can avoid driving on asphalt, which has animal ingredients — but they can save nearly 200 animals’ lives every year by choosing plant-based foods instead of meat, eggs, and dairy ‘products’. Direct Action Everywhere was mentioned because it pointed out that a vegan diet is hardly “cruelty free,” in that it involves the exploitation of migrant fara.

In Cazals, an industrial breeding of pigs, the most important of the Lot, pointed out by a video

DXE investigators in France found and videotaped horrifying conditions at an industrial breeding lot located in Cazals. The practices are legal, but disturbing. They made a video to show the public to raise awareness.

L214 pins a poultry farm Aveyron in a shock video

France - The animal welfare association recently broadcasted a video denouncing the discovery of live chicks in rendering tanks in Mayran, which are tanks usually reserved for dead animals. The video has been circulating on social media and has been seen more than 160 000 times. Made by the group L214, animal protection association. They referenced DXE’s latest video about the French pig farms.