Are YOU Banned from Whole Foods?
Whole Foods has legally required us to post this restraining order on our website, Facebook and Twitter to let you all know that your questions aren't welcome at Whole Foods. If you ask about their factory farms, you are apparently “putting the safety of both customers and team members at risk."

When DxE co-founder Wayne Hsiung and teenage activist Ateret Goldman were arrested for asking a question at a Colorado Whole Foods, the video of the incident went viral. It has been viewed more than 3 million times, and hundreds of people around the world were inspired to take the #WholeFoodsChallenge, returning to Whole Foods to ask their own questions about the animal products being sold there.
Although Whole Foods dropped the charges against Wayne after this outpouring of support, they have since retaliated with injunctions seeking to prevent any future questions from people associated with DxE.. Whole Foods is terrified of the truth, but they can’t stop it from coming out, try as they might.