Wayne Hsiung
Published on
July 16, 2013

Episode 1: Inspiration

Today marks the launch of DxE's new blog and podcast -- The Liberationist. In our first episode, you'll hear about:

- the powerful message and methods used by William Lloyd Garrison and the antislavery movement to trigger explosive growth in the 1830s; 
- Brian causing trouble in "Project Sifter" -- a group of hyper-rational scientist-adventurers; 
- Wayne confronting -- and getting threatened by -- "radical" anarchists and animal eaters in Portland; 
- Sarah's incredible response to an assailant who screamed, "If you stand up with that banner, I'm going to knock you out", at DxE's protest of the Chipotle Cultivate festival; and
- the importance of honesty and confidence in building a movement for animal liberation. 

Going forward, we have a lot of goals for The Liberationist. We want to present a smart and evidence-based perspective on movement-building and animal liberation. We want to create a platform and community for nonviolent direct action. And we want to invite opposing views, because discussion -- even with passionate disagreement -- will make all of us better activists.  

But above all, The Liberationist, like its historical inspiration, is about an idea: that we can be honest about our demand for animal liberation. That we don't have to apologize, or beg for mercy, or feel ashamed of ourselves, when we speak for our suffering brethren. And that, if we stand confidently behind a beautiful vision -- a vision of a world where every animal is free -- we can achieve great things.

We hope you like the podcast and blog. We hope that you'll give us feedback. But, most important, we hope that you'll be inspired to take action.

Until Every Animal is Free.  

Full download link here.  

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