Cassie King
Published on
September 8, 2017

Animal Rights News Recap 9/8/2017

The FBI is raiding animal sanctuaries, threatening volunteers, and cutting pigs' ears, in search of Lily, the piglet DxE rescued from Circle Four Farms in Utah. 

  Sign the petition  h  ere
Sign the petition h ere


During a vigil, Rio Animal Save with the help of Toronto Chicken Save rescued a chicken named Maia before she could be killed.


In Miami, Florida, hundreds of activists came together for the first Official Animal Rights March in Florida.


PETA rescued two dogs from a home flooded by Hurricane Harvey, one of whom had climbed a bookshelf to avoid the water.


Want to get involved? DxE is a grassroots network focused on empowering you to be the best activist you can be. Here are some steps you can take. 

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  2. Join a local DxE community --or start your own!
  3. Take the Liberation Pledge. And join us in creataing a true social justice movement for animals.

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