Cassie King
Published on
June 21, 2018

Why Target Amazon?

1. Amazon sells products that are illegal for animal cruelty.  

  A duck being force-fed to make foie gras.
A duck being force-fed to make foie gras.

Amazon sells fur coats that have been banned in cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles because of the brutal mistreatment of animals including dogs. For some of these furs, hundreds of chinchillas are killed just to make one coat. Amazon also sells cockfighting gear, even though cockfighting is illegal in every single US state, and the company sells foie gras, the fattened liver of force-fed ducks and geese, which is illegal in states like California.


  Amazon's claims of responsible sourcing.
Amazon's claims of responsible sourcing.


Amazon says it is “committed to a lawful and ethical” business, and you’ll see all sorts of wonderful marketing slogans on their "cage-free" eggs and "humane" meat. But DxE has investigated Amazon’s suppliers and found criminal animal cruelty time and time again. The public deserves to see the truth behind Amazon's "humane" lies.

2. Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world.

Amazon ships an estimated 1.6 million packages out every single day to their customer base of over 300 million homes. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is the richest man on the planet. Environmental and animal rights groups have repeatedly reached out to this massive company with concerns, but Amazon has consistently ignored them and shown zero accountability. 

3. Amazon is taking over.

Amazon recently purchased Whole Foods for nearly $14 billion dollars, and now the company is making a huge push to ship animal products right to people’s doorsteps. It’s called Amazon Fresh, and they want people to be able to buy everything from foie gras to veal in one click. Amazon is making it easier than ever to pay for animal cruelty. Online grocery sales are predicted to capture 20% of total grocery retail by 2025.  And as Amazon continues to take over the grocery market, their one-click-cruelty has the potential to change the very way we think of grocery shopping. 

  An Amazon Fresh truck delivering groceries
An Amazon Fresh truck delivering groceries

We're not calling for a boycott of Amazon. Although you may personally choose to boycott, what we urgently need is to take direct action to expose Amazon’s crime.


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